Hyper Deflationary Token That Rewards Its Holders

There is a cryptocurrency project in which the developers created $2.7 Trillion U.S. Dollars worth of tokens in the last 12 months, increasing its circulating supply by 40%, tanking the value of its holders’ bags. This has put much of the community under financial duress, calling into question the project’s legitimacy.
One might be surprised to find that this project is no cryptocurrency at all, but is in fact the U.S. Dollar.
Inflation is on the Rise
COVID-19 hit the world hard, shutting down businesses and leaving workers jobless. In response, many countries artificially supported their economies by printing and giving away large amounts of money.
In 2021, the United States printed 40% of all U.S. Dollars that have been printed since its founding in 1776. This has raised mass awareness to a fatal flaw that is characteristic of all government-backed currencies – governments can print more money.
In the United States, the inflation rate for 2021 reached 6.8%, meaning that the purchasing power of the U.S. Dollar has dropped by 6.8% in a single year. Americans whose incomes have not increased by at least 6.8% in 2021 will be worse off in 2022. Inflation is elevated globally – with India (4.48%) and The UK (3.8%) also being hit hard.
Cryptocurrency enthusiasts cite this flaw as a reason for cryptocurrencies’ superiority. Unlike FIAT currencies (currencies backed by governments), cryptocurrencies have programmatically-set maximum supplies that can only be adjusted with community support. In the case of Bitcoin, only a maximum of 21 million BTC can ever be mined, with the number of minable BTC decreasing yearly until the final BTC is mined in 2140.
Crypto, Here to Save the Day
As mentioned, cryptocurrencies typically have programmatically set maximum supplies and a limited number of coins that can be created yearly, reducing their inflationary risk. Some tokens implement additional measures to safeguard their communities from inflation. These tokens are aptly called “hyper deflationary” tokens, of which Shiba Inu is a prime example.
Shiba Inu’s supply is automatically reduced through automatic token burns, during which SHIB tokens are destroyed. SHIB tokens are burned in small quantities every time a transaction is made, and in large quantities during periodic mass-burns. SHIB’s deflationary aspects have gained it favor among investors, who have seen its price skyrocket by 60 million percentage points (60,000,000,000%) in a single year.
2021 has seen many deflationary tokens rise, and there is no reason for the trend to stop now as world governments continue to print cash. Some other popular tokens with deflationary aspects are BNB (up 19x), CAKE (up 78x), and POLYGON (up 111x).
Hyper deflationary tokens reward dedicated community members by increasing the value of their holdings, protecting them from supply changes. As investors increase demand for these tokens, supply can scale downwards, increasing token value.
Unfortunately, this also means that the hyper deflationary market is full of scams and rugpulls that lure unsuspecting investors with promises of tremendous gains. Highly technical investors can avoid these tokens by auditing the code and whitepapers behind them, but most investors do not have the technical knowledge to do so effectively.
RiseUp, a platform dedicated to protecting investors from scams, handles the auditing process for investors and relays important information to them:
– Project creator names
– Token contract information
– Other projects that the creators have been a part of
– Deflationary statistics like the percent of tokens burned
– Supply and liquidity statistics
RiseUp does this through their innovative Rug Screener technology which evaluates all aspects of a token and generates a safety score. Without the risk of scams and rugpulls, investors can use RiseUp to increase their chances of picking winning tokens.
RiseUp itself is supported by a fully doxxed team, has favorable tokenomics, and has all dev wallets locked. Its token RIV2 is also a hyper deflationary token, and the team conducts regular manual burns that are announced publicly through their social channels.
On top of its deflationary aspects, RiseUp provides holders with additional value through BNB rewards. 5% of all RiseUp buy and sell transactions will go to a community wallet from which the equivalent of 5% BNB will be distributed hourly to holders. This gives holders the opportunity to maximize their rewards as they HODL. To be eligible for these rewards, holders must possess a minimum of 80 Million RiseUp tokens (RIV2), which can be purchased for a total of about $250 USD on Poocoin.
As world governments attempt to print themselves out of economic disaster, cryptocurrencies successfully fight back with hyper deflationary mechanisms. Wanting in on the gains, investors eye new and upcoming hyper deflationary tokens, but are met with a sea of scams and rugpulls.
One platform – RiseUp – stands to protect investors by using innovative technologies to audit tokens and relay important information to them.
What will you do? Will you fall to scams, or will you #RiseUp?