Hedera Price

Hedera to USD price Chart
Hedera price today
The current price of Hedera (HBAR) is $0.199729, as of Mar 12, 2025. Over the last 24 hours, the price has moved by 0.67%, with a change of 0.88% in the past hour. For longer-term performance, the price has varied by -20.15% over the last 7 days and by -14.38% in the past month.
Market update
The 24-hour trading volume is $565,354,493, and price fluctuations during this time have ranged between a low of $0.194368 and a high of $0.213726. The all-time high for Hedera was $0.569229 on Sep 15, 2021, while the all-time low was $0.0098611 on Jan 2, 2020.
Market ranking and capitalization
Hedera holds a market rank of #17, with a market capitalization of $8,439,710,591. Its fully diluted valuation stands at $9,995,492,906.
Supply overview
The circulating supply of Hedera is $42,217,580,819, out of a total supply of $50,000,000,000 and a maximum supply of $50,000,000,000.
Price changes and historical data
Over the last year, Hedera has experienced a price shift of 52.04%, while over the last 30 days, the price has seen a -14.38% change. The price change over the last 200 days stands at 230.19%.
These metrics are updated every minute to ensure real-time accuracy, helping you stay informed about the latest trends and market movements for Hedera.
What is Hedera (HBAR)?
Hedera Hashgraph is a public distributed ledger technology (DLT) that allows companies to create secure and decentralized applications. The platform was developed by Dr. Leemon Baird and Mance Harmon in 2018. It uses a unique consensus algorithm called hashgraph to achieve a high level of scalability and security.
Hedera Hashgraph’s native cryptocurrency, HBAR, is used to power the network and pay transaction fees.
HBAR price and market cap
HBAR is the original cryptocurrency of Hedera Hashgraph platform. It is used to pay transaction fees and create incentives for network participants.
The current price of HBAR is $0.199729 with a market capitalization of $8,439,710,591 as of Mar 12, 2025.
Hedera Hashgraph price history
Hedera Hashgraph was launched in 2018, and the price has been on a roller coaster since then. The price started in September 2018 at around $0.03 and reached an all-time high of $0.569229 on Sep 15, 2021. The price then fell to a low of $0.0098611 on Jan 2, 2020 before returning to its current price of $0.199729.
Factors affecting the HBAR price
Several factors can influence the price of HBAR. The most crucial factor is the demand for cryptocurrency. As more and more people use the Hedera Hashgraph platform, the need for HBAR is increasing, which can increase the price.
Another factor that can affect the price of HBAR is the supply of the cryptocurrency. Hedera Hashgraph has a solid collection of 50 billion HBAR tokens, and inflation is low, which can help preserve the value of the cryptocurrency.
Where to buy HBAR
HBAR can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges, including Binance, Coinbase and Kraken. To buy HBAR, you must create an account on one of these exchanges and complete the necessary verification steps.
HBAR price predictions
Predicting the future price of HBAR is a challenge due to the cryptocurrency market’s volatility. However, the price of HBAR may rise if more companies adopt the Hedera Hashgraph platform.
Hedera Hashgraph vs. other cryptocurrencies
Hedera Hashgraph is often compared to other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and ethereum. However, the platform is designed to solve some of the scalability and security issues these cryptocurrencies face.
Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed ledger technology that provides fast and secure transactions. The platform’s native cryptocurrency, HBAR, powers the network and pays transaction fees. While the price of HBAR has been volatile, some analysts believe that the cryptocurrency has strong growth potential in the future.
HBAR Price Statistics
Hedera Price | $0.199729 |
Price Change 24h | 0.67% |
Price Change 7d | -20.15% |
Trading Volume 24h | $565,354,493 |
24H Low | $0.194368 |
24H High | $0.213726 |
Hedera Market Cap
Market Cap Rank | #17 |
Market Cap | $8,439,710,591 0.76% |
Fully Diluted Valuation | $9,995,492,906 |
Hedera Price History
All-Time High Sep 15, 2021 | $0.569229 -64.91% |
All-Time Low Jan 2, 2020 | $0.0098611 1925.84% |
Hedera Supply
Circulating Supply | $42,217,580,819 |
Max Supply | $50,000,000,000 |
Total Supply | $50,000,000,000 |
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