Taiwan temple unveils NFT collection for pilgrims

The Taiwanese temple launched the NFT collection dedicated to the Chinese sea goddess Mazu. MazuDAO NFTs can be bought at the temple’s e-commerce website.
As local news media outlet South China Morning Post reports, the NFT was launched by Dajia Jenn Lann Temple. It hosts a yearly 300-kilometer journey that lasts for nine days and displays the goddess statue that contains the names of many of her devotees. The NFT will act as a priority pass for pilgrims during these days.
The MazuDAO NFTs collection has been offered for sale for roughly five months for NT$18,880 (US$615) via the temple’s e-commerce website MazuBuyBuy and several other locations. The temple has sold over 2,800 NFTs so far.
Mazu’s image is commercialized in Taiwan. Mazu-themed goods are available in convenience shops and on significant online marketplaces. The nine-day pilgrimage can generate more than NT$5 billion (US$163 million) in spending, according to Mingkun Cheng, vice chairman of the board of the Dajia Jenn Lann Temple.