Block.One Promises Scalability and More Security with EOS Version 2.0

Block.One, the distributed ledger technology (DLT) project in charge of EOS (EOS), has announced the successful upgrade to the EOS software to version 2.0. The team says EOS version 2.0 is designed to offer more scalability and security, while also enabling newbie blockchain developers to easily create decentralized applications with EOS, according to a blog post on January 10, 2020.
EOS V2.0 Loaded with Exciting Features
EOS (EOS), the blockchain project powering the seventh-largest cryptocurrency in the world and one of the largest networks for decentralized applications, has been revamped by Block.One, to offer users more functionalities.
As stated in its blog post, the all-new EOSIO 2 is designed to make life easier for blockchain developers by enabling them to set up their blockchain development environment within a few minutes instead of days or even weeks.
Notably, the team has hinted that while the EOS project holds the record of being the first blockchain network to integrate a WebAssembly (WASM) engine, the platform have since outgrown general-purpose WASM engines. As such it has developed a more robust, purpose-built WASM which offers users up to 16x more speed.
The EOSIO V2 Advantage
Notably, the team has made it clear that in addition to being faster than Binaryen, the WASM that came with EOS 1.0, the new EOS VM facilitates more efficient use of system resources when processing smart contracts and it also offers huge performance gains.
That’s not all, the team says EOSIO V2 also comes with a highly functional web-based integrated development environment called the EOSIO Quickstart WEB IDE.
The new EOSIO Quickstart Web IDE lowers the barrier to entry for newbie EOSIO blockchain developers, enabling them to quickly formulate smart contracts and web applications powered by EOS. The new IDE is also compatible with all web browsers.
What’s more, EOSIO V2 also supports WebAuthn, a strong user authentication standard collaboratively developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Fast Identity Online Alliance (FIDO), Microsoft, Mozilla, and others.
WebAuthn facilitates seamless and frictionless transaction signing without the need for web extensions, thereby enabling developers to manage private and public keys better.
That’s not all, EOSIO V2 supports a Weighted Threshold Multi-Signature Block Production, a functionality that allows block producers to sign blocks on both primary and backup block production hardware.
As reported by on January 10, 2020, Block.One announced the hiring of Forbes’ Salah Zalatimo as the new CEO of Voice blockchain-based social media app.
At press time, the price of EOS (EOS) is up by 1.65 percent in the last 24 hours, with a market cap of $2.94 billion as seen on CoinMarketCap.