Polygon Uses Cash Hoard as Crypto Reels in Hiring Binge

Polygon, whose software improves the efficiency of Ethereum blockchain transactions, intends to raise its entire employment by more than 40% this year in order to capitalize on the difficulties of other crypto startups.
Polygon Joins the Hiring Craze
Polygon a company, which was founded in India and based in Dubai, wants to add roughly 200 individuals to teams operating from remote locations throughout the world, according to HR head Bhumika Srivastava in an interview.
Some of the new hires will be full-time workers, while others will be contractors working on initiatives related to the larger Polygon ecosystem. To handle the cooperation, the corporation is employing managers, engineers, and employees.
The collapse in digital assets this year has resulted in a number of divergences, with many companies preparing their business models for higher prices and a desire for speculating, while others, hurt by funds raised prior to the turbulence, are increasing continuously.
The crypto sees the bear market as a unique recruitment opportunity, according to Srivastava, who is loaded with cash following the private token’s $450 million sale in February. But it’s not easy, she says, because developers for so-called Web3 projects are few and command hefty wages.
Srivastava added that It is difficult to acquire technical expertise generally, even if it is a Web2 business, referring to companies focused on the latest generation of Internet services.
“It’s hard to find the high-quality expertise you need, especially when Web3 capabilities are still being developed.”
The crypto price fall, which began late last year and accelerated in May and June, triggered a chain reaction of defaults and failures throughout the industry. Companies like Coinbase Global Inc., Bitpanda, Crypto.com, Gemini Trust Co., and BlockFi Inc. have let off personnel in recent months.
However, because the bloodbath wrecked the next generation of Internet services, a subset of developers focuses on creating.
Are Good Web 3 Engineers Difficult to Find?
According to a recent analysis by LinkedIn and crypto exchange OKEx, there is an imbalance in the supply and demand for expertise in the blockchain business, making it difficult to recruit qualified individuals.
The average yearly wage for engineers in Solidity, a well-liked blockchain programming language, was $101,000 in August, according to the job listing website web3.career. Engineers with more experience can make up to $400,000.
The website claims that smart contract developers, who write the computer code that automatically completes transactions on the blockchain, make an average salary of $120,000 and a maximum of $400,000.
30 developers were attracted to Polygon by One Planet, a non-fungible token launchpad that relocated there when the Terra stablecoin project crashed in May. According to Srivastava, negotiations are underway to transfer 60 separate Terra projects into its own ecosystem.
Srivastava claims that the business has purchased Electronic Arts Inc., Amazon.com Inc., and big digital companies like YouTube, which Airbnb Inc. joined to form polygons. Ryan Kuhl, a recent hire as the Partnership Manager at Coinbase.