Ordinals Price

Ordinals to USD price Chart
SATS (Ordinals) price today
The current price of SATS (Ordinals) (SATS) is $0.0000001, as of Mar 18, 2025. Over the last 24 hours, the price has moved by -0.58%, with a change of -0.08% in the past hour. For longer-term performance, the price has varied by -0.08% over the last 7 days and by -3.53% in the past month.
Market update
The 24-hour trading volume is $5,810,723, and price fluctuations during this time have ranged between a low of $0.0000001 and a high of $0.0000001. The all-time high for SATS (Ordinals) was $0.0000009 on Dec 15, 2023, while the all-time low was $0.000000003189 on Jul 8, 2023.
Market ranking and capitalization
SATS (Ordinals) holds a market rank of #222, with a market capitalization of $254,758,720. Its fully diluted valuation stands at $254,758,720.
Supply overview
The circulating supply of SATS (Ordinals) is $2,100,000,000,000,000, out of a total supply of $2,100,000,000,000,000 and a maximum supply of $2,100,000,000,000,000.
Price changes and historical data
Over the last year, SATS (Ordinals) has experienced a price shift of -76.36%, while over the last 30 days, the price has seen a -3.53% change. The price change over the last 200 days stands at -60.13%.
These metrics are updated every minute to ensure real-time accuracy, helping you stay informed about the latest trends and market movements for SATS (Ordinals).
SATS Price Statistics
Ordinals Price | $0.0000001 |
Price Change 24h | -0.58% |
Price Change 7d | -0.08% |
Trading Volume 24h | $5,810,723 |
24H Low | $0.0000001 |
24H High | $0.0000001 |
Ordinals Market Cap
Market Cap Rank | #222 |
Market Cap | $254,758,720 -0.61% |
Fully Diluted Valuation | $254,758,720 |
Ordinals Price History
All-Time High Dec 15, 2023 | $0.0000009 -86.85% |
All-Time Low Jul 8, 2023 | $0.000000003189 3704.78% |
Ordinals Supply
Circulating Supply | $2,100,000,000,000,000 |
Max Supply | $2,100,000,000,000,000 |
Total Supply | $2,100,000,000,000,000 |
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