Voyager creditor requests trustee to take control of the firm’s estate

A voyager creditor, Michelle DiVita, is reportedly calling for a Chapter 11 trustee to seize the bankrupt firm’s estate. DiVita also accused Voyager Digital of misinforming the public about the company’s financial situation, including publishing inaccurate data and public misrepresentation.
Mitchelle DiVita pleads for Voyager’s accountability
Voyager victim and financial lawyer Michelle DiVita filed a motion on Feb. 1, requesting the crippled firm’s trustee to seize Voyager’s estate. Reports surfing the internet indicate that the motion also accuses Voyager Digital of hiding book information from creditors, including understated loans totaling $1 billion.
According to the bankruptcy conduct, the victimized lawyer believes that a trustee should have been appointed. She is currently following legal procedures to push for the appointment process.
According to DiVita’s filing, Voyager’s bankruptcy situation does not reflect its previous published books. She also believes that Voyager misinformed the public through inaccurate data. DiVita expressed her concerns on Twitter, stating that Voyager disclosed financial reports on Mar. 31 showing $2.2 billion while the actual loans as of Apr. 3 stood at $3.1 billion. This leaves a gaping hole of about $1 billion allegedly submerged in the books in one day.
Voyager’s bankruptcy case may take a different turn
Shigo Lavine, a former director of Voyager Digital, broke down DiVita’s filing in a lengthy thread. He claimed that the motion was significant to the case if 3AC execs had fraudulent activities hidden in the company’s financial books.
According to Shigo, Voyager undervalued the bitcoin (BTC) at the market price by 546% to hide the missing links to the loans credited to the firm’s account by crippled 3AC.
Voyager has also been in a tug-of-war with defunct Alameda Research. In an article published by, Alameda is attempting to recover more than $400 million in loan repayments from Voyager Digital.