Blockchain Developer Demand Leads to Creation of Courses at Singapore Polytechnic

Blockchain Developer Demand Leads to Creation of Courses at Singapore Polytechnic

Singapore Polytechnic will offer a beginners course on blockchain technology in February 2019 to help meet the rising demand for workers knowledgeable in the sector a December 22, 2018, report states.

Introductory Course Details

The introductory course will go over how to create cryptocurrency, as well as setting up and developing blockchain systems and smart contracts. Due to the content explored, this will cover the more technical aspects of cryptocurrencies and be perfect for those interested in emerging the fintech sector.

The classes will be taught by Dr. Ernie Teo, who was a research scientist for IBM’s Centre for Blockchain Innovation in Singapore. Teo will lead three-hour sessions on weekday evenings, with a six-hour session class every Saturday for two months.

Combined with the online learning and projects, the course will last 120 hours. Singaporean citizens can expect tuition for this course to run anywhere from $284 to $1,284 depending on age, income, etc., while foreign participants else will be charged $4,280.

Interested students must have a basic understanding of Javascript or similar coding language, a degree in a relevant discipline (IT, business, etc.) as well as pass a mandatory online quiz. Those who pass the examination with a 75 percent or higher may enroll for the program.

Follow up Course and Future

A more advanced course that will cover more in-depth topics such as ICO’s, permissioned blockchains, as well as other forms of consensus protocols outside of POW is currently being worked on and should be enrolling its first students come April of next year.

This course is laid similarly to the beginner course with 120 hours total (40 online, 21 in projects), but will cost $426 to $1,926 for Singaporeans and $6,420 for anyone else.

Association Chairman Chia Hock Lai said those that complete both courses “will be competent enough to join the ranks of blockchain developers.”

With LinkedIn citing blockchain developer as the top emerging job for this year, and as hiring positions with the words “blockchain developer” increased by 33 fold this year alone, companies are scrambling to find workers to make their innovations a reality.

IBM alone has over 200 vacant positions for workers with blockchain knowledge.

With so many companies filing patents left and right to secure key components of blockchain technology, the skyrocketing demand for people that know how to leverage the technology is inevitable.